Existing marketing tools across the organization were fragmented, ungoverned and siloed within different groups. While the organization had committed to Salesforce as a primary platform and CRM, and while a few satellite offices in various countries had already started using Salesforce Marketing Cloud in a limited capacity, Marketo had been independently chosen previously by the US-based marketing team as the primary marketing tool to run campaigns and communicate with various member groups and customers. This created an environment with no single source of data, no unified global marketing function, no IT oversight, limited marketing capabilities and no ability to address global marketing demands and the unique and rapidly evolving challenges that exist across various countries and regions. Additionally, relying primarily on Marketo limited the ability of the company to fully leverage the broad platform and low-code benefits of Salesforce, which the company had committed to and invested in to support other critical functions.
As many companies experienced when the pandemic hit, this organization soon realized a significant drop in revenue and membership which forced a reevaluation of their business model, offerings and pricing structure. Being able to quickly communicate these changes to their global customers and member base soon became critical, but they realized that Marketo alone was incapable of addressing these marketing needs.